Eduard Meinema, author / visual artist, writing in the garden.

"I love writing into the dark; like to be surprised by the characters scavenging through my own stories. Just before things are getting familiar; when I think, or at least believe, to know where a new story is going to, I give it a twist and make my readers (and myself) wonder... how the hell is this going to end?"

Eduard Meinema was born in Delft, The Netherlands, in 1963, the second son of Bruin Meinema and Corrie Meinema - Middendorp. His father, being the oldest son in a family of ten children, was the first to go to Kalamazoo, MI, USA, to arrange the arrival of his siblings and his father and mother in 1956. Before leaving to the USA, Bruin met the love of his life. And so, when his family arrived, he returned to The Netherlands after 1.5 year (working as a truckdriver in the States) and married "his girl" in 1959.

True love does exist!

In this loving family, which found its residence in Delft, Eduard grew up. After High School (at CLD - Christelijk Lyceum Delft) he went to study at the BDA P.A. Tiele Academie in The Hague to become a librarian. In 1982-1983 he fulfilled his military service. After the basic military training he auditioned to become drummer in the Koninklijke Militaire Kapel (Royal Military Band). As he had been drummer for seven years in the drumband Excelsior Delft, he was accepted although he could not read music at the time. He fulfilled the last year of his service as drummer, for which he was stationed in the base called 'Alexander Kazerne' in The Hague.

After the service he went to Ecole Tunon, a school for tourism, mostly visited by girls, which was quite a contradiction with the military where, at the time, hardly one percent of all personnel was a woman. As part of this study Eduard had an internship as conference organizer at the Netherlands Congress Centre, The Hague. After his study he was asked to stay; he worked there for four years.

For eleven years (1990 - 2001) Eduard worked as manager of a temp agency (Vedior); thereafter he became manager, and lateron owner, of a technical staffing agency. This period was rather hard as he started as entrepreneur shortly after 9/11 which had its effect on the economy worldwide. When things appeared to become better the financial crisis led to more problems; eventually the company went bankrupt in 2013.

From 2003 till 2014 Eduard and his wife also managed an art gallery named Miya. This name, although simply a somewhat creative way of writing the name of his wife, Mia, lateron appeared to be more than just a name. An exhibition, arranged by Dutch artist Ad Arma, included works of a Japanese artist who explained the true meaning of Miya, being "a royal name", referring to the Empress. 

From age 7, when he got his first aquarium, Eduard has been fan of a specific family of fish, known as killifish. Or formally: Cyprinodontidae. He has been breeding these fish since he was twelve; occassionally stopped this hobby because of his work. In those periods without live fish, he studied fossil fish. In 2017 he joined the Museum of Natural History, Rotterdam as Honorary Researcher. Hence the 'non-fiction' books and articles.

He started his first attempts for fiction in 1988 or 1989. (Even he can't remember...) Although none of these stories got published, one short story, 'Buddy', has become one of his best selling stories as ebook. In 2015 he self published his first novel, the thriller "Gatorway". The following years he kept on writing flash and short stories, became familiar with the ins and outs of selfpublishing and eventually decided to start a few series of his own, while translating books of other Indies to 'spread the risk'.


In 2021 the first books in two major successful series were published. Since then he published more than ten full length novels and several more flash & shorts a year.

The lyric abstract artworks he paints are another creative expression which has become more than a hobby. Just like the pop art figures known as Skredches.

Eduard lives in Hellevoetsluis, near the North Sea. His beloved wife Mia, passed away July 9, 2024 one day after her 60th birthday.

His two daughters both write and help translating.

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