Yaroon #1 Delitescent

Yaroon Book 1

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Series: Yaroon Book 1


An accident never comes alone.

A traffic accident in Paris reveals things no one thought possible.

Alien things.

Detectives Peyrac and M'Pelé investigate the case, but soon realize that this is not an ordinary, everyday case. They are opposed by organizations they have never had to deal with during their career. Secret services are eager to cover up the whole case.

The annoying thing for the detectives is that in order to solve the case, they also have to work with those organizations.

To everyone's frustration, it soon turns out that what seemed so simple at first glance, degenerates into an explosive situation that no one can keep a secret anymore.

A hidden world is exposed by brute force...

We knew we're not alone. Only now we know aliens have been among us for ages...

Genre: Sciene Fiction

Type: novella

Words: 41,500

Released: February 20, 2024

Manuscript finished: December 27, 2023


Will follow...

List of characters

Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!

  • Will follow shortly


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