AILPHA # 3 Atrocity

FBSI / Laro Files #1 Devoir, breathtaking Science Fiction by Eduard Meinema

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AILPHA Series Book 3

Age of AIristocracy Universe


The last free humans are desperately trying to survive in a ruined world where

Artificial Intelligence is no longer controlled by humans,

but by AI itself.

A new world order in which people are superfluous.

Only a small group of people resist the new ruler: AILPHA.

The resistance fighters must proceed with extreme caution

to stay under the radar of the superior AI ruler

and to stay out of the hands of people who collaborate with AILPHA.

Their resources however are limited.

Actually only one thing separates humans from the AI: survival instinct.

This ancient instinct compels humans to band together

 and fight together against the totalitarian authority of the merciless AILPHA.

But… how do you fight an invisible enemy?

How can you fight an enemy you can't see?

Genre: Dystopian

Type: Novel

Words: 68,750

Released: November 28, 2023

Manuscript finished: October, 20237


April 2023, lots of rumors were disturbing the writer community. The rumors actually started much earlier, but Spring 2023 the development of AI was booming and AI was expected to replace all writers in no time.
A scary perspective.
But also inspiring. I imagined a world ruled by AI. A world in which AI was the sole ruler: AILPHA.

The protagonist, Rince Donia, is based on a legendary Dutch, Frisian, freedom fighter.

Along the process of writing I realized some stories would be necessary to explain things happening in AILPHA. These stories are written and published as standalones novellas in the series END DAYS.

List of characters
Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!

  • Rosanna Arquette - sergeant ITC
  • Elliott (Bryant?) - agent Affix Police Department
  • Giorgio Faenza - the 'Don'

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