DBC #5 Covering

Delft Blue Crimes #5 Covering by Eduard Meinema.

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DELFT BLUE CRIMES Thriller series, Book 5


The death of a hotel owner puzzles Detective Marilou Tetteroo. With the arrest of a suspect, the case seems quickly resolved. But as she scrutinizes the suspect's statement more thoroughly, there appear to be many - too many - gaps.

To check the alibi of the only suspect, she returns to the crime scene in the historic center of Delft. Her research in the hotel and its immediate surroundings leads to a startling discovery. Her night shift turns into a nightmare as she faces a gruesome series of murders ...

A new hotel. A historic city. A multiple murder

Genre: Thriller / Mystery

Type: Full length Story

Words: 33,420

Released: February 4, 2021

Manuscript finished: December 13, 20177



List of characters

Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!

  • coming...



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