The primary goal of the Paleopanchax project is to gather knowledge on the origin of the Cyprinodontiformes. The first results of this project are presented in 'The Fossil Cyprinodonts'; a comprehensive catalog which will be published November, 2023. It includes all fossil species described before October 30, 2023.

Paleopanchax is a fictive name for the HyCA (Hypothetical Common Ancestor) of all cyprinodonts. A combination of Paleo (from Paleolithic = older or ancient, especially relating to the geological past) and Panchax (meaning 'fish'), referring to the former genus. Panchax is commonly used in several cyprinodont genera.

'The Fossil Cyprinodonts' contains a handy quick scan to identify fossil species of Cyprinodontiformes, also known as killies. (Click here for details and ordering)

As stated in the catalog new fossil species and, based on taxonomic decisions, synonimised species described since October 2023 are listed here, in this chapter of my website.

See the full list of species and synonyms as listed in 'The Fossil Cyprinodonts' here. For data on recent, extant species I refer to the excellent database Killi-Data Online by Jean Huber.

Catalog of fossil cyprinodonts 

In preparation

Scheduled for publication: November 2023. 

An amazing atlas, including more than 150 species of egglaying and livebearing fossil killifish. This first ever catalog will be the ultimate and most complete reference guide on the subject; illustrated with idealized color drawings (as indicated by the sample page of Aphanius italicus on the left) showing the fossils the way the species probably looked like in real life.

Note: the atlas is a comprehensive edition of the series 'Killi on the Rocks' published in Killi Nieuws 2010-2012 (in Dutch). Completed with many additional references and new records as my research proved this series was far from complete...

Scheduled for publication November 2023

Additional data to 'The Fossil Cyprinodonts' (listed chronologically):


None so far...

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